This is my first post to my first blog. I have always wanted to blog about something but I never thought I had anything interesting enough to write about. I am still not sure but decided to start a vegetable gardening blog anyway.
This is my first post to my first blog. I have always wanted to blog about something but I never thought I had anything interesting enough to write about. I am still not sure but decided to start a vegetable gardening blog anyway.
I am a suburban gardener in Virginia. I have been casually growing vegetables for about 6 years and it seems like my gardens get progressively worse from year to year. I am not sure why this is.
This year I have decided to take my garden much more seriously. I spent the fall and winter expanding my garden and rowing new rows. I built some raised beds (which are really great) and bought a lot of new tools that are sure to make my vegetables shoot up.
It seems like everybody else's blog is about how great they are at this or that or how they built something great. Its quite depressing.
My goal with this blog is two fold. First I would like to track my gardens progress through the season and through the years. Second I hope that my blog is encouraging to others who might have stinky gardens like mine.
I really like your blog! You are so funny and I too have trouble in my garden, especially from my dogs and squirrels stepping on my plants! Keep up the good work and don't give up, you were made to grow! :o)
I like your blog too! I am a failure at vegetables due to birds and too much rain. I became a flower child.
Thank you very much for you comments and for following my blog. Things are looking up now that spring is here. Good luck with your garden also.
Your pictures are very much like my own experience. I have learned that some seeds grow better when planted directly outside instead of starting early indoors. Without a greenhouse it is difficult to get proper growing conditions. Plus a very small plant is not strong enough to survive outside and adjust to change in temperature and rain. I suggest soeing seeds outside so they will be aclimated. It's not too late to resoe now! Good luck!
I agree with you. I am new to growing from seeds and it is definitely a learning experience. It would be nice to have a greenhouse of some sort but that would be quite an undertaking. Next year I will have a better grow light setup so hopefully that will help. What do you start in the ground? Good luck to you as well.
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