Monday, May 15, 2017

Safe Spaces For Seeds

Seeds are very fragile. They need a special environment in which to grow before letting them loose in the great outdoors.

Much like the millennials of today, seeds need safe spaces.

Safe spaces prevent them from being bullied by the other plants. Safe spaces protect their delicate ideas from being trampled by differing opinions. Safe spaces prevent the harsh realities of the outside world from affecting their open-mindedness.  Wait, are we talking about millennials or seeds? I can't remember.

Anyway, as stated in my last post, my plan was to plant from seed and compare my results to Mrs. Jedi Gardener's purchased plants.

In order to create those safe spaces for my seeds I used a common method involving plastic solo cups.

I cut a slit in one of the cups and placed it inside a second cup.

Finally dirt is placed in the cup and the seed is planted. This method, assuming the seeds grow, helps not to disturb the roots when finally moving the plants into the ground.

Here you can see one of the cups with the finished tomato, ready to plant. 

After the cup is removed, the root ball is nice and solid and ready to put in the ground.

Overall, the growing of seeds went pretty well. A few of my seeds sprouted, a few of them didn't. But now the garden is off to a good start. I have also revised the rules of the competition to include planting location. Mrs. Gardener planted all of her plants into pots and the plan was to roll them around to the perfect sunny location in the yard while I planted in the raised beds. Here are some pictures of the pots:

Thats a sad tomato in a pot. 

I'm pretty sure thats a maple tree.

Now lets take a look at my plants. Below is a picture of my raised beds with the plants grown from seeds. Take note how lush they are.

These are doing especially well.

And finally, a line of direct seeded lettuce.

As when watching CNN or MSNBC, you should watch out for fake news even when reading blogs. But, because its my blog, these are the facts as I see them.


BeeBuzz said...

Good article. Unfortunately you neglected to report that Mrs. Gardener bought waaaay too many plants for the doomed death star pots. Thus, the rebellion benefitted greatly from the empire's mistakes. Next time my young padawan, you'll only have your seedlings to sustain your futile efforts.

Unknown said...

It's a trap! False news alert!! I have a bad feeling about this.